Resan 2006 invigning

Monica Antonsson                                                                                                Vallentuna August 11, 2006
Project manager
The Lions Project Children of Chernobyl / Novozybkov
Bällstavägen 55B, 186 50  Vallentuna, Sweden
Tel +46-8-511 74 771, fax +-46-8-511 728 24
Mobile +46-70-593-09 57

Dear Mayor Nesterov,

For the opening of the red building at Novozybkovs maternity hospital and the Day of the Town September 9-10, 2006, a Swedish delegation of 12 persons is coming to Novozybkov. It is three leading members of the Lions Club (Frideborg, Bertil and Björn) with partners, two journalists from our local newspaper in Vallentuna (Jesper and Pär), the project team (Anders, Roger and Monica) and Elsa-Gun who is a good friend who will help us in the future. You have met the three representatives from Lions Club before. They are nice, they are our friends.

We will travel to Kiev, Chernobyl and Gomel before coming to Novozybkov. We will leave Novozybkov for Kiev Monday September 11.

After this the Lions Clubs mission in this project will be fulfilled. As you know, the project team wanted to go on with sending medical equipments, education of the staff and restoring of the children's clinic at the main hospital. The question was handled by Lennart Ahrnlund. He did not do it properly, so Lions Club said no. The organisation will now go on with a project in Romania next year.

There is, however, a possibility that Lions Club can come back to Novozybkov in one, two or three years. It is a question of how we together will handle the situation. Therefore I ask you to do this opening day unforgettable for our delegation. It is very important that Frideborg, Bertil, Björn and the others returns to Sweden with the best of impressions. All other leading Lions must regret, that they did not come.

It would be very good if you can invite president Grishin, Chernobyl Union, dr Larisa Baleva and the Lions Club in Moscow to the opening of the hospital. Since we are travelling via Kiev, we can not meet them in Moscow. If you want, I can help you to contact Lions Club.

We will arrive to Novozybkov September 7. It would be wise, if we can meet with you in the morning September 8 at your office. I ask you to – once again - tell us about the medical, social and economical situation in Novozybkov due to the Chernobyl accident. I also ask you to - once again – show us the Childrens clinic at the main hospital.

The representatives from Lions must see the building with their own eyes. You did a great job last time, if you see what I mean J. Do not lie, but tell us all the worst. I am sure that, these three persons much better than Lennart Ahrnlund will be able to tell about the clinic after returning to Sweden. Especially Björn who is a medical chief doctor.

The journalists in the group will get a lot of material for their articles and I will get a lot of pictures to put at a special homepage at internet. From that homepage we will ask and beg the world for money to restore the clinic. It is a chance. It might not work, but it might also give millions of roubles. I think we have to try.

As you remember from the opening of the white building 2004, the top chief in Lions Club at the time, Håkan Johansson, just might have been giving you some sort of hopes or promises about the children's clinic. Then came Lennart Ahrnlund and after him Melker Lindquist who probably made you sure of a future ongoing cooperation. If you feel disappointed over any broken hopes or promises, I think you shall tell us about it. Not much but a little. It would be good for the future, if Frideborg, Bertil and Björn in that case get to know about it. But be very, very careful. 

To your knowledge, the project team will not stop supporting Novozybkov. Together with Elsa-Gun, Roger, Anders and a lot of others I will go on with the project. Our only question is how to get resources. However, we have some ideas:
- We have a new organisation by the name of: (Help to) Children of Chernobyl.
- We will do the homepage I mention above. It is a chance.
- Our new organisation will write letters to 500 different Lions Clubs and ask for money.
- We will arrange concerts at Vallentuna theatre at least every month to collect money
- We will lock around for another humanitarian aid-organisation than Lions Club who can help us to go on working in Novozybkov. 

If you have plans for our stay in Novozybkov, if there is something you like to show us or want us to take part in, please let me know about it in time, since also I make plans for our stay. I am grateful to everything you do and I do not want us to disagree about schedule.

Sincerely yours

Monica Antonsson

Frideborg Rydmalm Hagman                
Bo Hagman                                                                   
Bertil Ravnell                                                                                     
Eva Ravnell                                                                   
Björn Palmer                                                                                     
Marja Palmer                                                             

Pär Davérus                                                                  
Jesper Almén                                                                                     

Anders Rönnholm
Monica Antonsson                                                        
Roger Larsson                                                             
Elsa-Gun Gustafson