Application 1 LCIF


Grant Application for contribution to the

Lions project Children of Chernobyl / Novozybkov

The project aims at restoring two existing buildings
at the Maternity hospital in Novozybkov, Bryansk region, Russian Federation

Where life begins…

Lions Clubs International
Multiple District 101 Sweden - District 101-S


Table of Contents

To Lions Clubs International Foundation (a map) …………………….………       4

Grant application ………………………………………………….…………….     5

Summary …………………………………………………………….…………...      7

The Project plan, goal and history ……………………………………………..     10

The Project management
         in Sweden and in Russia …………..….……………………………………    11

The Project ………………………………………………………………………    12

Economy …………………………………………………………….……………   13
         Buying contractors/Budget/estimate costs

         Maternity Hospital building B Budget/estimate costs

         Maternity Hospital gynaecological department, building A

         Maternity Hospital building B and A
         WAT ………………………………………………………………………..   14
         Money transferring between Lions Clubs
         International Sweden and Maternity Hospital ……………………………...           15

Time TableBuilding A, building B, furniture and equipment ………………….                        16

Inspections, final statements ……………………………………………………   17
         Example of inspection certificate …………………………………………..           18

Novozybkov – a background …………………………………………………..     20
        Old Believers ……………………………………………………………….   21
         Where the prices were settled ………………………………………………           22
         World war II ………………………………………………………………..    22
         Chernobyl catastrophe ……………………………………………………...   23
         The forgotten city .......................................................................................…           24
         The world just has to help ………………………………………………….   26

The Project – The Lions project Children of Chernobyl / Novozybkov ………..   27
         How it started ……………………………………………………………….   28
         To define a project ………………………………………………………….   30
         Conclusion ………………………………………………………………….   31

Agreements …………………………………………………………………….      33
Agreement on Cooperation ………………………………………………… 34 Agreement to realize the Maternity Hospital project ……………………… 36 Agreement concerning medical equipment to the Maternity Hospital ……. 39 Protocol from the meeting …………………………………………………. 40 Cooperation agreement with Medical Department in Bryansk ……………. 46
The first report from the Medical department ……………………………... 50
Agreement between LCI MD 101 and the Savings Bank of Novozybkov … 52 Certificate that dr Lydia Vladimirovna Bavkunova has the right to sign ….. 54 Certificate from the Russian Assessment (Taxes) Authority ………………. 57

Agreement between dr Lydia and the building contractor ………………… 58 Registration certificate / license for the constructors company ……………. 61 Information from dr Lydia Vladimirovna Bavkunova ……………………. 75

The Buildings …………………………………………………………………..       76
         The House of the Angel – Maternity hospital, sight plan ………………….   77

Building A ………………………………………………………………………..    79
         Drawings and pictures ……………………………………………………..    80
         Special investigation of the buildings condition …………………………..   84
         Budget ……………………………………………………………………..     87
         Building materials and economic calculations …………………………….   88

Building B ………………………………………………………………………..   105
         Drawings and pictures …………………………………………………….   106
         Time table, pay ment term ………………………………………………..   109
         Budget …………………………………………………………………….    110
         Building materials and economic calculations ……………………………  111

Back ground - Chernobyl a continuing catastrophe – Kofi Annan ….………….  135
         The holy Bible: An the third angel sounded… ……………………………  137
         The Chernobyl Catastrophe – The story …………………………………..  138
         The radioactive fall out ……………………………………………………. 140
         The situation in the three most affected countries ………………………… 142
         The liquidators …………………………………………………………….   143
         The leaking sarcophagus …………………………………………………..  144
         Medical effects …………………………………………………………….  145
         Medical effects in other countries – some telegrams ………………………         147
         Long term health effects …………………………………………………… 154
         Psychological and Social effects ……………………………………………         154
         Economic effects ……………………………………………………………         155
         Environmental effects ………………………………………………………         155
         Persisting Dangers of Further Radioactive Contamination ……………….. 156

April 26, 2004 - 18 years after – some articles ………………..………………. 157
Assessment of Chernobyl Health Consequences Resisted ……………………. 172
The Chernobyl Catastrophe and Health Care (Prof Michel Fernex) ………... 180
The House of the Angel, the first project plan 2003-02-20 …………………… 201
The map ………………………………………………………………………... 221
New paper cuttings ……………………………………………………………. 222
Protocol from the Swedish governors council meeting in Denver ……………… 251



Lions Clubs International Foundation

Grant Application for contribution to:

The Lions project
Children of Chernobyl / Novozybkov

Bryansk region, Russian Federation

Enclosed please find the Grant Application for contribution to renovation of two existing buildings at the Novozybkov maternity hospital according to the following documents.

Chernobyl in Ukraine and Novozybkov in Russia, at the border of both Ukraine and Belarus,
are situated about 1200 kilometres from Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.


The explosions in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine April 26, 1986 was the start of the worst technological catastrophe ever.
In the West most people already have forgotten all about it. It was a long time ago, we say. By now it is history. 
In Ukraine, Belarus and Russia the Chernobyl catastrophe is a continuing disaster. The melt down is still burning and radioactive dust still leaks out through hundreds and hundreds of holes in the sarcophagus full of rust (erosion). The holes are equivalent to least 250 square meters. In fact, one can easily see them when coming close enough to the exploded reactor where it is very polluted and dangerous to be.

For instance, the helicopter pilots, who now and then takes guest on a tour over the 30 kilometre exclusion zone absolutely refuse to fly closer to the reactor than 10 kilometres. The reason is all the radioactive dust that is coming up. It blows away with the winds and is spread all over the world. No one talks about it. No one really knows where it falls down.
In Ukraine the measure the radioactivity (Cesium-137) in micro roentgen (X-ray) per hour. They call 15-25 normal, which in fact it is not. Outside reactor 4 the value vary between 1300-1700 mR/h. There are other places at the plant where it is over 2000 mR/h, that is the most the Geiger counter can show.
See: Chernobyl a Continuing Catastrophe.
Foreword by Kofi Annan to a OCHA-report published by United Nations 2000, page 135. 

This is why the USA now helps Ukraine to build a new sarcophagus over the first one. The radioactive dust blowing around has to be stopped. But some experts say – among them the Swedish senior lecturer in reactor technology Frigyes Reisch – that since the melt down burning, there is a great risk even with a new sarcophagus (without holes). If the temperature gets too high, there will be a new explosion. Anyway, something has to be done, since there is a great risk, that the sarcophagus any day collapse and give rise to a new explosion.
And since rain water is coming in, there is also a risk for explosion if some special substances inside the reactor happens to meet and react with each other and with water. In that case we will get a so called critical mass.

The sun shines in through the holes in the sarcophagus 
and the radioactive dust goes out in the open.         

The nuclear power station in Chernobyl is situated in Ukraine close to the Belarusian border. Novozybkov is in    Russia 70 kilometre from Gomel.     

The sarcophagus over the exploded reactor 4 in Chernobyl is so full of rust. 
Coming close one can easily see it.

That means:

That the people who was born at the time for the accident, still are at risk for different illnesses in their thyroid gland (because of exposion to radioactive Jod-131). There is a great increase in Thyroid cancer to those who were children 1986.
Cesium-137 is suppose to cause leukaemia, while Strontium-39 is stored in the bones and so on.
But that is just the beginning. The people of the polluted areas suffers from a lot of different diseases that can be referred to the accident.
See: The Chernobyl Catastrophe and Health Care, page 180.

They also have to accept great restricts in their daily life. Without risk for their lives, they cannot pick berries or mushrooms in the forests anymore. They can not swim in the rivers or the lakes during warm summer days and of course, they can not go fishing. This is small simple things that we in the West usually call life quality. To them it is a question of surviving.
They just have to get food. 

In the polluted areas there is no soil but radioactive one to grow vegetables like potatoes, union, carrots, cabbage and root beets in – that most people live from. Cows and sheep eat radioactive grass which give radioactive milk and radioactive meat. So, what can people do but eat? Starve to death? And since most people in small houses have to heat them by radioactive wood from the forests, the radioactivity came indoors as a deadly company.

So, while we in the West have forgotten about the Chernobyl accident, it slowly but surly injury and kill people who can not escape. There are no trustable statistics whatsoever about the medical consequences. The doctors in the areas are not aloud to give true reports, since a connection between an illness and Chernobyl means great damages for causing the accident for the authorities. Of several but other reasons even the western reports do not tell the truth. That means that the people of the polluted areas in the three countries are left alone with their problems.

We think that is wrong. 
The world just has to help. It is our mutual responsibility.
And where governments and authorities around the world have failed, the Lions Clubs can succeed. It is the right thing to do, it is a good thing to do and it can give our organisation a lot of good will that we deserve.

MD101-Sweden have chosen to do something good  - within the Lions project Children of Chernobyl / Novozybkov - in the forgotten town Novozybkov, since we Swedish Lions Clubs already have worked a lot there.
See about Novozybkov, page 20 and the following pages and how it started page 28.

We decided to restore the two existing buildings at the Maternity hospital in the radioactive polluted town Novozybkov in Bryansk region in Russia. That will help 700 women, their babies and their families every year. Besides, the staff who tries to work in those terrible buildings will get better possibilities to take care of their patients.
See facts about the buildings, page 76 and following papers about
building A and building B.

See also “The House of the Angel”, the project plan 2003-02-20, page 201.
In May 2003 the Swedish convent accepted to go through with the project and with the collected 65 crowns per Swedish member (now 900 000 crowns = 118 655 USD) and a grant of 75 000 USD from LCIF we will succeed to do so.
See: total budget at page: 13
And separate Building A page 87 and Building B page 110.

The project management went to Novozybkov to get some agreements with the Administration of the town, the local bank and the tax authorities.
That ended up in an absolutely unique decision from Kreml, that we do not have to pay WAT taxes (18 per cent) for the material to this project. We have got a water proof routine to handle the bills and a so called dollar account that makes it easy to transfer money without extra costs.

Also we have an agreement with the Medical Department in Bryansk who provided us with the best possible control function.
See agreements: page 33 and following pages.

There are other Children of Chernobyl project in the world. Therefore it is well known, that such projects gives remarkable attentions as well as sympathies everywhere. People know about the accident and with the right information they understand and directly want to help. It seems like everyone can identify themselves with the victims in the polluted areas. 
Tomorrow they can be victims themselves. That is the tragic truth. A relation to the Chernobyl accident is, in other words, an unbeatable argument when it comes to 1)get help to humanitarian aid and 2) to get good publicity and good will. That is nothing to be ashamed of. Every line that is written helps the people of Chernobyl.

Last year, at the 17th anniversary of the accident, the Swedish television presented Novozybkov, our project and Lions Club in all news magazines. Before that the name of Lions Club were not mentioned in TV for at least 20 years.

See also news paper cuttings where Lions Club is mentioned, page 222 and following pages.