Lydia Bavkunova


Dear Lydia,
Wellcome back to work! I hope that your trip to Sibiria and China was pleasant. However, we have missed you.
Thank you for the calculation, that you sent before you left. Of very good reason, Anders and I have not been able to look through it yet. However, we must do it very soon.

I miss the report from you. We agreed that you shall send me such a report once a month. Please do it as fast as possible. My fax number is: +46-8-511 724 28. 
I must know, what is happening with the restoration of the red building? What is happening with the damage we saw in the white building? I have to immediately report to:
1) Lennart Ahrnlund who is responsible for the international relations within the Lions Club of Sweden and
2) LCIF in USA. It is very important. We are so late with that now, that it is a risk, they will ask for their 75 000 USD in return. We can not wait any longer.

I also ask you to get an e-mail address as soon as possible. We must be able to contact you in an easy way. You are aloud to spend money from the project for this purpose.

As you probably know, a delegation from the Swedish Lions Clubs is coming to Russia November 23-27. I suppose we will stay in Novozybkov November 24-26. As far as I know now, we are:
Lennart Ahrnlund (IRD – international relations director - Sweden)
Bertil Ravnell (IRC – international relations, the 101U-district)
Melker Lindqvist (building expert)
Charles Sundström (Med Dr – gynecologist)
Anders and I
I ask you to order hotel rooms to us at the Iput hotel.
Personally I like to have room 15. Please ask for good rooms even to the others.
Totally 6 rooms.

The reason to our visit is:
- Anders and I have some agreements to make in writings with you and the Administration. 
- Melker will carefully check both buildings at the maternity hospital. It is necessary that we can return to Sweden with a positive report from that. There were some damage by wather in July and some other complains about the floors. I hope it is carried out by now?
- Melker will also check the childrens department at the main hospital, that we visit in July. The reason is, that the Swedish Lions Club is to come up with a suitable project for the Scandinavian Lions Clubs 2006. Lennart thinks that the childrens clinic can be that project – if we can show good result from the maternity hospital and if Melker thinks that it is an economically good project. In other words, this is the chance to get money from the Lions Clubs to restore the childrens clinic as well.
- I will probably mostly be occupied with making a video tape about our projects together with Vitaly K. He promised to help me in order to realise the above mentioned Scandinavian project 2006.

About the restoration on the outside fronts of the buildings at the maternity hospital, I will soon be selling calendars with pictures from the art school again. I have got permission from the Swedish Lions Clubs to use the income from that to your hospital fronts.

However, due to your building expert in July, it will be very expensive. Therefore, it is a risk, that I never will be able to get enough money. At least not without help from Anders and others. I might be able to sell calendars even next year for that purpose, but I do not know. Whatever we do, it will be a hard task to solve, since it is impossible for us to get the money as a contribution from the Lions Clubs. Therefore, I would be grateful, if you can try to get a far better price on the job – or money from the Administration as well.

Dear Lydia, please send me your report as soon as possible.  I also need to know the price of what was missing with the matresses that we sent to you.

Take care!