Avtalet Änglagård

Nästa avtal:


Agreement between Lions Club Vallentuna Sweden, hereinafter referred to as LCVS, and Maternity Hospital Novozybkov Russia, hereinafter referred to as MHNR, regarding payments from MHNR´s account (nr N40603840308190200005) in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as SBRF.

All orders of payments from the above standing account shall be signed by the signatory of MHNR, Chief Doctor Vladimirovna Lidija Bavkonova. Before any payments can be done from the account, the undersigned orders of payments has to be sent by facsimile transmission to LCVS, for approval by the president of LCVS, Mr Anders Ronnholm.

All demanded payments mentioned above, has to be verified with attested supporting documents such as invoices, also sent by facsimile transmission to LCVS for approval by Mr Anders Ronnholm. The invoices and similar documents have to be attested by the signatory of MHNR, the mayor of Novozybkov, Ivan Nestorov, and by a representative of SBRF.

By the end of each month, or whenever asked for by LCVS, a statement of account shall be sent by facsimile transmission to LCVS from SBRF.

Attested documents that prove the signatory’s right to sign for MHNR, the mayor’s right to sign for the city of Novozybkov and the representatives right to sign for SBRF shall immediately be distributed to LCVS. Every change of signatory for MHNR has to be communicated with LCVS.

By the end of each month MHNR shall send detailed information about their activities to LCVS.

The agreement may be terminated prematurely, without notice, only for justifiable reason.

All changes to any clauses in this agreement will only be valid if they are in writing and have the approval of both parties.

This agreement is to be interpreted according to Swedish law.

This agreement has been written in two originals and the parties have taken one each.

Vallentuna       /     2003                          Novozybkov       /     2003

Lions Club Vallentuna Sweden               Maternity Hospital Novozybkov Russia

___________________________           ___________________________
Anders Ronnholm                                      Bavkunova Lidija Vladimirovna

We have taken part of this agreement:

 Novozybkov       /     2003                       Novozybkov       /     2003

The mayor of Novozybkov                                            The Savings Bank of the Russian Federation
                                                                 (Novozybkov office)

___________________________           ___________________________
Ivan Nestorov                                           Valentina Anikeeva Petronova


to realize
the restoration of the Maternity Hospital

- Änglagård II -

Both sides of this agreement shall
– together in cooperation –
restore and refurbish Building no 2
(originally built 1932 and 1952)
within the Maternity Hospital in Novozybkov, Russia.

The agreement is written between Lions Club MD 101 Sweden (LC) represented by project manager Monica Antonsson and vice project manager Anders Rönnholm, Novozybkov Maternity Hospital (MH) represented by dr Lydia Bavkunova and the Administration of Novozybkov (AN) represented by mayor Ivan A Nesterov.

LC has the possibility to spend 1 300 000 Swedish crowns (SEK) on the project.
That corresponds November 1, 2005 with totally 163 831 USD or 4 537 000 roubles (RUB).
We also have 200 000 SEK – 698 000 RUB - to spend on travel costs, administration and other costs for the project.
That means that we totally have 1 500 000 SEK or 5 235 000 RUB for the project. No more.

The value of the Swedish money is depending on the rate between USD, SEK and RUB that unfortunately right now is very bad.
The money shall be used only for building-costs and administrative costs for LC, Sweden.
The work shall be finished and the money shall be spent at the latest June 30, 2005.

AN undertakes the obligation to invest at least 10 per cent of the Swedish amount
~ 437 000 RUB in the project.
At least half the amount shall be invested in the project from the beginning. 
LC recommend AN to use that that money to projection-costs such as drawings, design, plans for electricity, water and heating.
The rest of the Russian amount can be invested at the end of the project. The amount shall, however, be put at a special bank-account for the project included in the bank-agreement. 

During the time of the project
LC will demand the Russian tax-authorities to declare all our costs free from taxes.
MH and AN shall assist LC in this matter.
The tax-repayment shall be used in the project.

If the costs for the project exceed more than the Swedish amount mentioned above,
it must be paid by AN only.

The Swedish amount will be paid out only after attested invoices are presented and
according to the bank-agreement.

MH and AN have to, when it comes to services and materials,
invite different tenderers to submit offers.
MH and AN shall choose the cheapest offer without any renounce of the quality.

The restore and refurbish of the building shall be done in accordance to from Swedish experts outspoken recommendations, Russian laws and standard quality.
However, it is not acceptable to aloud the building to get such great damages from for example rain water after six months - as was noticed in the first white building. Both buildings shall be free from such damages even after 20 years.
Materials in rooms where water is used shall be absolutely tight and closed.
The same goes for carpet materials on floors.
The choice of materials shall be based on a qualitative as well as on an environmental point of view. No contaminated material must be used.

MH and AN shall without delay present a detailed plan for the work included in the project and see to, that the work will start immediately.
MH and AN shall present a detailed time-table and in advance specify all the production/material/salary costs.

MH and AN shall assist LC to – step by step - keep control over the work while it continues. For each cost of 150 000 RUB, MH and AN must send detailed reports every months as well as photos by e-mail to:  monicaantonsson@telia.com.

The result of the work shall be inspected by AN each time the costs passes 1000 000 RUB.

When the project is finished, representatives for LC will do a final inspection at the building – at the latest July 30, 2005.

If MH and AN do not fulfil their obligations, the agreement can be terminated.

This Agreement is made up in two identical copies in English, one for each part of the Agreement.   

Novozybkov, Russia
November 1, 2005

Nesterov Ivan A                                                                     Bavkunova Lydia Vladimirovna
Mayor                                                                                      Chief  physician,
Head of the Administration                                                    Medical Superintendent
Novozybkov                                                                            Maternity hospital,  
Russia                                                                                      Novozybkov

Monica Antonsson                                                                  Anders Rönnholm
Project Manager                                                                    Vice Project Manager

The Lions Clubs Project: Children of Chernobyl / Novozybkov
Lions Clubs International MD 101, Sweden