Brev till Commissionen

                                                                                       Novikov Aleksandr Anatolievich
                                                                                       Commission on International
Humanitarian Aid of Russian Federation
                                                                                       Fax: 007-095-924-40-22

Dear Sir,

As representatives for the Lions Club of Sweden we are coming to Moscow next week on our way to Novozybkov, Bryansk Oblast, where we have plans to start a great humanitarian aid-project. Among other actions we are planning to restore the hospital and the maternity house in the town - two or three buildings in very bad condition.

Since 1997 we have sent humanitarian aid to the people of Novozybkov, who suffer from the effects of the Chernobyl accident 1986. We must have sent at least 10 big trailers filled with equipment. Beside that we have driven 3 ambulances and 4 handicap-minibuses to Novozybkov 1999 and 2000.

Lions Club is a worldwide organization with a lot of strength and resources when it comes to serve mankind. We are now planning to make Novozybkov one of our greatest international project. Therefore we like to present ourselves, our purpose and the condition we are working under. It is necessary that we create good, safe and sometimes fast routines, if we shall be able to succeed in our purpose. There are also some problems to solve in this matter. 

With this letter we are happy to suggest the meeting with you to be at your office in Moscow
October 22 at 11.00 am. Thank you for seeing us!

The members of the delegations are:
Bruno Pettersson, Lions International Relation Director
Anders Rönnholm, President Lions Club Vallentuna, district 101-U, Sweden
Monica Antonsson, Project leader, the Lions-project Children of Chernobyl / Novozybkov
Roger Larsson, Member of the Children of Chernobyl project
Alla Yaroshinskaya, writer, former Advisor to the Russian President Boris Yeltsin, member of National committee of UNESCO.

Sincerely yours

Monica Antonsson
Project leader the Lion-project Children of Chernobyl / Novozybkov
Bällstavägen 55 B
186 50  Vallentuna, Sweden

Tel: +46-8-511 74 771
Fax: +46-8-511 728 24

Mobile: +46-8-593 09 57  


                                                                                       Novikov Aleksandr Anatolievich
                                                                                       Deputy Kuleshov Sergei
                                                                                       Commission on International
                                                                                       Humanitarian Aid of Russian Federation
                                                                                       Fax: 007-095-924-40-22

Dear Sirs,

Concerning the Swedish Lions Clubs project Children of Chernobyl / Novozybkov

Thank you, Mr Novikov, for seeing us October 22, 2002 in Moscow in this matter.

Our project has now succeed and is no longer a concern only for Vallentuna Lions Club and the district 101-U with 45 Lions Clubs. Since May 2003 the project for Lions Club Sweden and therefore a concern to all the 545 local clubs in our country. That means that we have 1 millon crowns (about 3 miljon rubles) to spend on rebuilding dr Lydias hospital, the Maternity House of Novozybkov, during the time 1/7 2003 to 1/7 2004. We are therefore going to Moscow and Novozybkov in August to start the project.

If we, during this year, will do a good job in this project, we will have 2 more years and 2 more million crowns to spend on the project. We will also get 75 000 USD from America to the project. There is also money to get for education of doctors, nurses and hospital technicians. Beside that our project will be in focus for “Världens Barn” which means Children of the World and is a great collection produced by the Swedish Television.

As mentioned above, a Swedish delegation is coming to Moscow in August. We ask you to meet us for a discussion August 22 at 11.00 at the Commission. The reason is that we:
1) want you to meet dr Lydia Bavkunova who is the head of the maternity house in Novozybkov
2) like to have very good relationship with the Commission, meaning that you should always know what
    is going on within the project.
3 like to keep you informed about our work,
4 want to discuss the new Russian law concerning humanitarian-aid-transports
5 once again want to discuss the routines of our work
6) want to discuss the possibility to be excused from taxes of material we will buy in Russia

Last time we were happy to have writer Alla Yaroshinskaya (former Advisor to the Russian President Boris Yeltsin, member of National committee of UNESCO) to our help when meeting the Commission. This time she unfortunately will be in USA and can not help us. From what I heard from Alla Yaroshinskaya, Mr Deputy Sergei Kuleshov speaks English, so we will probably manage by our own this time.