Intyg bilar 2003

The Lions-project
Children of Chernobyl / Novozybkov                                                Vallentuna 2003-04-08
Vallentuna Lions Club


We – Monica Antonsson and Anders Rönnholm, Vallentuna Lions Club, Sweden - hereby certify that the
Mercedes Benz 260E (1990)
(registry-number HTT008 and chassinumber 1240071F136845)
Volvo 765-697 Ambulans (1989)
(registry-number ONF986 and chassi-number 765697K0029694)
that was given as humanitarian aid by Sven Nahlin, Lions Club,
to the Hospital of Novozybkov 1999 and 2000
are medical equipment.
The vehicles were originally manufactured in Sweden as ambulances.

Monica Antonsson                                                         Anders Rönnholm
Project-leader                                                                President