Brev till ryske ambassadören

Registrerat i datorn 2003-03-19

Ambassador Nikolaj Sadtjikov
Ryska Federationens Ambassad i Konungariket Sverige
Gjörwellsgatan 31
112 60  Stockholm


Concerning the Lions project Children of Chernobyl / Novozybkov.

Dear Mr Ambassador,
Some years ago Vallentuna Lions Club took the initiative to the project mentioned above. After a while it became a question for 45 Lions Club in District 101-U. At the end of May this year it will become a question for the whole Lions-movement with 545 clubs in Sweden. Therefore it is a very important project and a symbol of friendship between Sweden and Russia.   

Novozybkov, in Bryansk oblast, in Russia is contaminated with radioactivity from the Chernobyl accident 1986. The 45 000 inhabitants of which 12 000 are children live under medical hard circumstances. Our purpose is to help them restore two old buildings and build a new building at the maternity house of Novozybkov. We will also send medical equipment for the hospital as well as to the main hospital in the town and even help with special education that they might need. That means that Vallentuna Lions Club have to ask our fellow-clubs for about 3,5 million crowns within the coming three years.

After several visits to Novozybkov we feel that it is important for representatives from Novozybkov to visit Vallentuna and Sweden to see how we work with this (without salary in our spare time) and how the situation is here. We have therefore invited the Major Ivan Nesterov, the chief-doctor Lidiya Vladimirovna Bavkunova and others from Novozybkov to visit us March 29 – April 8. During their stay here they are going to visit both Danderyds and Karolinska hospital. They will have lunch with the major (kommunalrådet) of Vallentuna and visit the City Hall of Stockholm, where they are invited to lunch. We will have a (vernissage) opening exhibition of drawings from the art school of Novozybkov.

Saturday April 5th from 17.00 we will give a big banquet at the Vallentuna Theatre where a lot of Swedish artist like Kim Anderzon, Berith Bohm, Nina Lizell, Monica Dominique and others will perform to collect money for transports of medical equipment that we have in our store. We will serve a nice dinner during the concert and afterwards there will be dance till midnight.

We who work with this project would be very grateful if you Mr Ambassador and/or other representatives for the embassy would  honour us with your presence at the banquet and maybe say some words about friendship between our counties. It would help us a lot, since we among our guest are going to welcome some very important and well-known persons for the project. Swedish media will also be there.

Dear Mr Ambassador,
I would be very grateful for your answer as soon as possible, since there is very short time left. (The visit of the Novozybkov-delegation was originally planed to take place in June.)

Please overlook my English.

Sincerely yours!

Monica Antonsson
Project leader
The Lions Project Children of Chernobyl / Novozybkov
 Vallentuna Lions Club

Bällstavägen 55 B
186 50  Vallentuna

tel 08-511 74 771
fax 08-511 728 24
mobil 070-593 09 57