lördag 8 augusti 2009

Om Hans Blix

Beyond Nuclear Bulletin
August 6, 2009
Top Stories
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki
We pause this week to remember the horrific - and only - use of the atomic bomb, by the U.S. , on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (August 6) and Nagasaki (August 9) 64 years ago. For a look-back and further thoughts, see columns by Tom Engelhardt and Frida Berrigan on TomDispatch.com.
Vote to help support our work
Bonnie Raitt and Taj Mahal are touring the U.S. together this summer for the first time. The tour will benefit progressive organizations, including Beyond Nuclear. Please visit the "BonTaj" dedicated Web page to learn more about the tour and to cast your vote to decide which causes the tour should support. And please look for Beyond Nuclear information tables at concerts in Wallingford , CT on August 9; Brooklyn , NY on August 12 and Vienna , VA on August 14 & 16.
Help us reach The Nation readers!
As you know, reaching ever wider audiences is important for a number of reasons. We must educate as many people as possible about the real dangers of nuclear energy and contradict the false propaganda put out by the industry. We need to enlighten our political leaders and the media. We absolutely must ensure that nuclear power does not steal federal funding - via the Climate bill - that is so needed to support renewable energy. To achieve these goals and more,
Beyond Nuclear needs to raise money.
We are privileged to have the support of one of this country's most dedicated activists and beloved actors, Ed Asner. He will appear for us in an ad due to run in The Nation magazine. But to place this ad we need to raise funds. Will you please consider making a donation? Please donate now on line and let us know your contribution is to support the ad. Or you may mail us a contribution marked "Nation ad" to Beyond Nuclear, 6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 400 , Takoma Park , MD 20912 .
The Nation readers are a perfect match for us. We need to reach them! Please help us by donating today.
Join the International Youth Dialogue for Nuclear Disarmament
The Project for Nuclear Awareness is hosting the International Youth Dialogue October 26th-27th 2009. The Dialogue will link students, youth and young professionals in Philadelphia , Geneva , Mexico City, Moscow , and Santa Barbara via live video conference and will focus on building a comprehensive campaign for a nuclear weapons-free world. The Dialogue will feature disarmament expert Dr. Hans Blix, President of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, Alyn Ware of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament and student leaders from Physicians for Social Responsibility, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, and Ban All Nukes Generation USA.
Registration for the Philadelphia Venue and Mexico City Venue is now available. More information can be found on the flier. Organized by the Project for Nuclear Awareness and Ban All Nukes Generation. Interested in Co-sponsorship or becoming a youth leader? Have questions about the Dialogue? Contact Emily at emily.pna@gmail.com , 215 546 3030.

Per Hegelund:
Dear Emily,
having worked in Sweden most of my grownup life and having met Hans Blix in public discussions - and seeing that he is invited for the Project for Nuclear Awareness International Youth Dialogue October 26th-27th 2009, I must give you my oppinion (maybe you can forward it to the right persons?):

Hans Blix, allthough no doubt an experienced nuclear inspector and staunch supporter of non-proliferation of nuclear arms (to new countries), he has also always been a strong supporter of nuclear energy. And in this general field he is either hopelessly ignorant or dubblefaced!

For instance in a public debate in Stockholm, he responded to one of my questions, that as far as he knows all the nuclear power stations in Europe are safe against any terrorist attacks and plane crashes. He also seems to be in complete denial of the dangers to the public from routine releases from civilian nuclear power – he once stated, that nuclear industry can live with one Chernobyl accident every year! (This puts him in the category of either fools or criminals).

If you get to talk with him, ask him since his home ocean, the Baltic Sea, has recently been proclaimed the most radioactive sea in the entire world (1) – if he can present any explanation (or excuse) WHY Swedish reactors pollute 100.000 times more than the Russian reactors at Sosnovy Bor (2) – and WHY Sweden propose to bury their spent nuclear fuel at the Baltic Sea?

(1) See page 17 in HELCOM’s report to regional governments (nov 2007):
(2) Helcom:s illustration: The estimation of the contribution of the Baltic Sea area nuclear power plants into the annual individual doses of the critical groups of population. Fig.5.1.20. – download from: http://www.iae.lt/inpp_en.asp?lang=1&subsub=41